The Amish Outlaws: A Unique Perspective on Amish Culture


The Amish Outlaws are a band like no other, blending traditional Amish music with rock and roll to create a truly unique sound. But who are the Amish Outlaws, and what sets them apart from other bands? In this article, we will delve into the history of the Amish Outlaws, their music, and how they are challenging stereotypes about the Amish community.

History of the Amish Outlaws

The Amish Outlaws were formed in 2002 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, by a group of Amish musicians who wanted to explore different genres of music outside of their traditional upbringing. The band consists of Brother Amos, Brother Big Daddy Abel, Brother Elijah, Brother Ishmael, Brother Jakob, and Brother Simple Joe. Despite their Amish roots, the band members do not adhere to the strict rules of the Amish community and have chosen to pursue a career in music.

Challenging Stereotypes

The Amish Outlaws are breaking stereotypes about the Amish community by showcasing their musical talents and embracing modern influences. While the Amish are often portrayed as living a simple, traditional lifestyle, the Amish Outlaws are proving that members of the community can also be creative and innovative.

Music and Influences

The music of the Amish Outlaws is a blend of traditional Amish hymns and modern rock and roll. The band covers a wide range of songs, from classic rock hits to contemporary pop songs, putting their own unique spin on each track. Their energetic performances and eclectic song choices have earned them a loyal following and have helped them stand out in the music industry.

Live Performances

One of the highlights of the Amish Outlaws’ career is their live performances, where they bring their high-energy music to audiences across the country. The band’s electrifying stage presence and dynamic performances have earned them a reputation as one of the most entertaining live acts in the industry.


The Amish Outlaws are a fascinating example of how individuals from a traditional community can break free from stereotypes and pursue their passions. Through their music, the band is challenging perceptions of the Amish community and showing that creativity knows no boundaries. Whether you’re a fan of rock and roll or traditional Amish hymns, the

  1. What is honorary Amish?
    They met some non-Amish friends out in the world (“English” as we call the non-Amish), making them “honorary Amish” when they joined the band. … Amish Outlaw gigs are less performances than they are initiations into the life of an Amish Outlaw and parties celebrating the Brothers’ newfound freedom.
  2. What kind of music do Amish listen to?
    Many Amish are fond of country music. Naturally, with no televisions or radios in their homes, many Amish people tend to sing often – up to two hours a day or more!
  3. Who is Amish?
    Who are the Amish? The Amish are a Christian group in North America. The term refers primarily to the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church. The church originated in the late 17th century among followers of Jakob Ammann.
  4. Can Amish drink coffee?
    Drinks typically served with Amish meals are water, coffee, garden tea and occasionally fruit juices or soda.
  5. What is traditional Amish food?
    Many local shops sell specialties such as Dutch apple dumplings, soft pretzels, shoofly pie and a variety of smoked cheeses and cured meats. With enough covered bridges, wine, shoofly pie, and ice cream to last a lifetime, Lancaster County is the prime destination to enjoy the traditional Amish food and lifestyle.
  6. Are the Amish allowed to dance?
    The Amish are a close-knit community, so members of a group know each other from childhood. There is school, church, barn raisings, singings and other events. … The Amish do not dance or play musical instruments, but they share the Pennsylvania German love of singing. The songs are not all religious.
  7. How do Amish make money?
    Many are experienced tradesmen and their quality wares are in demand. Many of the Amish who choose not to farm go into skilled trades like furniture building, construction, and metal parts manufacturing, Wesner said. These products are often sold to those outside the Amish community.
  8. Do Amish have more than one wife?
    The Amish are a fairly clandestine ethno-religious group of Christians who are known for refusing the luxuries of the outside world. One of the most common questions about Amish marriage is whether they practice polygamy. … In short: No, the Amish do not practice polygamy.
  9. What do Amish do at night?
    Following the Amish rules, known as Ordnung, the young couple is to lie beside each other for the duration of the night. With other Amish groups the night might be spent with the couple sitting in a rocking chair, with the young woman sitting on the young man’s lap.
  10. Can Amish drink alcohol?
    New Order Amish prohibit alcohol and tobacco use (seen in some Old Order groups), an important factor in the original division. Different from the Old Order, the New Order actively suppress the use of tobacco and alcohol and do not allow bed courtship (bundling), which was an important factor in the original division.
  11. What time do Amish go to bed?
    Since morning comes early, most Amish families are in bed by 8:30 – 9:00 pm. Rest and getting adequate sleep is imperative for the Amish since much of their day is spent doing manual labor.

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